I'm trying to do a full-text query to my MongoDB using Realm as my Serverless Authenticator and functions-Server. In Realm, I made a function that can be called from the client to do this query. The function looks like this:
exports = function( jobName,collection="jobs"){
const agg = [
'$search': {
'text': {
'path': [
'name', 'description'
'query': jobName,
'fuzzy': {}
var collectionObj = context.services.get("mongodb-atlas").db("myDb").collection(collection);
var result = collectionObj.aggregate(agg)
return result;
If I run this function as a System User I get exactly what I want from the DB. But if I want to run the search as an Anonymous User I get the following error:
A role with a search document-level permission is required to perform a $search
So I went to my roles and I created a role called normal with document-level search permissions: User
The error is still happening and I have no clue where to keep looking. The Advanced Options in the User also show the search field turned to true:
"name": "normal",
"apply_when": {},
"insert": false,
"delete": false,
"search": true,
"read": true,
"fields": {
"description": {},
"name": {}
"additional_fields": {}
So there is a way to use the full-text function through realm from a Client but it involves creating an open REST API. Instead of calling a function through the client we can create a REST API and return the search from that entry point. Karen Huaulme from MongoDB did something like that on her Movie Tutorial. This is really not the Answer I was hoping for but it is a nice workaround.