I made a Flutter plugin and I need to add Internationalization. I have follow this tutorial like I usually do for a my Flutter app : Internationalization in Flutter 1.22+
But with a Flutter plugin there is no MaterialApp so I can't add this :
localizationsDelegates: Translations.localizationsDelegates,
supportedLocales: Translations.supportedLocales
So, is there a way to add Internationalization to my Flutter plugin so I can use this in my plugin ?
So I found an answer in case someone need this : You need to import the generated .dart file in your app to use it.
In l10n.yaml
plugin file I have output-localization-file=translations.dart
so I need to import this file in example/main.dart (or in any Flutter app using the plugin) :
import 'package:MinimalExampleInternationalization/l10n/translationsUpdate.dart';
and that's where I need to add this code :
localizationsDelegates: Translations.localizationsDelegates,
supportedLocales: Translations.supportedLocales
If your Flutter app that import this plugin already has Internationalization then you can add multiple localizationsDelegates:
and supportedLocales:
like this :
localizationsDelegates: Translations.localizationsDelegates+TranslationsPlugin.localizationsDelegates,
supportedLocales: Translations.supportedLocales+TranslationsPlugin.supportedLocales,
Where Translations is the class generated by your app and TranslationsPlugin the class generated by your plugin.
Also note that right now there is a bug when generating the Internationalisation files with a Plugin so you can delete the l10n.yaml file and use this command instead : flutter gen-l10n --arb-dir=assets/l10n --template-arb-file=string_en.arb --output-localization-file=translations.dart --output-class=Translations --output-dir=lib/l10n --no-synthetic-package
More informations : Flutter Issue and Working Plugin Example with I18n