I need to apply spark bucketizer on below dataframe df
. This is mockup data. Original dataframe has around 10k records.
instance name value percentage
A37 Histogram.ratio 1 0.20
A37 Histogram.ratio 20 0.34
A37 Histogram.ratio 50 0.04
A37 Histogram.ratio 500 0.13
A37 Histogram.ratio 2000 0.05
A37 Histogram.ratio 9000 0.32
A49 Histogram.ratio 1 0.50
A49 Histogram.ratio 20 0.24
A49 Histogram.ratio 25 0.09
A49 Histogram.ratio 55 0.12
A49 Histogram.ratio 120 0.06
A49 Histogram.ratio 300 0.08
I need to apply bucketizer after partitioning the dataframe by column instance
. Each value in instance
has different split array which is defined below
val splits_map = Map("A37" -> Array(0,30,1000,5000,9000), "A49" -> Array(0,10,30,80,998))
i will perform bucketing on single column using below code. But need help in partitioning the dataframe by instance
column and then applying bucketizer.transform
val bucketizer = new Bucketizer().setInputCol("value").setOutputCol("value_range").setSplits(splits)
val df2 = bucketizer.transform(df)
Is it possible to split dataFrame into multiple dataFrame with column value instance
then bucketize the value
column, then use groupBy().sum() to calculate the sum of percentage.
Expected output:
instance name bucket percentage
A37 Histogram.ratio 0 0.54
A37 Histogram.ratio 1 0.17
A37 Histogram.ratio 3 0.05
A37 Histogram.ratio 4 0.32
A49 Histogram.ratio 0 0.50
A49 Histogram.ratio 1 0.33
A49 Histogram.ratio 2 0.12
A49 Histogram.ratio 3 0.14
The alternative way to bucketize the data within partition:
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import spark.implicits._
def bucketizeWithinPartition(df: DataFrame, splits: Map[String, Array[Int]], partitionCol: String, featureCol: String): DataFrame = {
val window = Window.partitionBy(partitionCol).orderBy($"bucket_start")
val splitsDf = splits.toList.toDF(partitionCol, "splits")
.withColumn("bucket_start", explode($"splits"))
.withColumn("bucket_end", coalesce(lead($"bucket_start", 1).over(window), lit(Int.MaxValue)))
.withColumn("bucket", row_number().over(window))
val joinCond = "d.%s = s.%s AND d.%s >= s.bucket_start AND d.%s < bucket_end".format(partitionCol, partitionCol, featureCol, featureCol)
.join(splitsDf.as("s"), expr(joinCond), "inner")
.select($"d.*", $"s.bucket")
val data =
("A37", "Histogram.ratio", 1, 0.20),
("A37", "Histogram.ratio", 20, 0.34),
("A37", "Histogram.ratio", 9000, 0.32),
("A49", "Histogram.ratio", 1, 0.50),
("A49", "Histogram.ratio", 20, 0.24)
).toDF("instance", "name", "value", "percentage")
val splits_map = Map("A37" -> Array(0,30,1000,5000,9000), "A49" -> Array(0,10,30,80,998))
val bucketedData = bucketizeWithinPartition(data, splits_map, "instance", "value")