I think the title is self explaining.
I really want to use several pdfs already implemented on scipy.stats as models for a symfit model, e.g., CrystalBall or Johnson functions. I have tried with a gaussian distribution with the following code:
x = Variable('x')
mu = Parameter('mu')
sigma = Parameter('sigma')
model_sci = stats.norm.pdf(y, mean, sigma)
But I get the following TypeError
TypeError: cannot determine truth value of Relational
I believe it is because scipy distribution expects numbers (or iterables with numbers) instead of the symbol produced by sympy. Is there a possible hack to uses this distributions and not implement them by hand?
It is possible to do this using a CallableNumericalModel
x = Variable('x')
y = Variable('y')
mu = Parameter('mu')
sigma = Parameter('sigma')
model_sci = lambda x, mu, sigma: stats.norm.pdf(x, mu, sigma)
model = CallableNumericalModel({y: model_sci}, connectivity_mapping={y: {x, mu, sigma}})