In my azure devops pipeline. A conda package is build firstly and published via UniversalPackages@0
The build and upload code snippet is shown below
- stage: build_upload_package
displayName: Build and upload package
name: Private Agent Eve
- job: build_upload_package
displayName: Build and Upload Package
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['build.sourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/release'))
image: <>/conda:latest //modified to remove the information
endpoint: NameOfTheServiceConnection //modified to remove the information
- bash: |
echo "##vso[task.prependpath]$CONDA/bin"
conda build . --output-folder $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
displayName: Build Package
- bash: echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=packageName]$(basename $(gitRepoName))"
displayName: Set Package Name
- task: UniversalPackages@0 //Error appears here
displayName: Upload to Azure Universal Packages
command: publish
publishDirectory: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
vstsFeedPublish: 'project_1/feed_1' //modified to remove the information
vstsFeedPackagePublish: '$(packageName)'
versionOption: patch
packagePublishDescription: 'upload a Conda Package'
The error for Universal UniversalPackages task is show below
2020-11-24T17:54:48.9628862Z ##[section]Starting: Upload to Azure Universal Packages
2020-11-24T17:54:48.9645737Z ==============================================================================
2020-11-24T17:54:48.9646470Z Task : Universal packages
2020-11-24T17:54:48.9647068Z Description : Download or publish Universal Packages
2020-11-24T17:54:48.9647636Z Version : 0.175.0
2020-11-24T17:54:48.9648154Z Author : Microsoft Corporation
2020-11-24T17:54:48.9648809Z Help :
2020-11-24T17:54:48.9649526Z ==============================================================================
2020-11-24T17:54:49.4896147Z SYSTEMVSSCONNECTION exists true
2020-11-24T17:54:50.1267511Z Downloading:
2020-11-24T17:54:56.4979070Z Caching tool: ArtifactTool 0.2.172 x64
2020-11-24T17:54:56.7183832Z SYSTEMVSSCONNECTION exists true
2020-11-24T17:54:58.7313555Z ##[error]TypeError: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of null
2020-11-24T17:54:58.7323845Z ##[error]Packages failed to publish
2020-11-24T17:54:58.7641267Z ##[section]Finishing: Upload to Azure Universal Packages
How can I solve this issue?
I think I found the error, gitRepoName
is a template parameter, it should be accessed as ${{ gitRepoName }}
not the $(gitRepoName)