Is there a way to repeat the ListItem numbering (lettering)?
PHPWORD package
Currently, the output is:
1. One
2. Two
A. Alpha
B. Beta
3. Three
A. Charlie
I want to output this:
1. One
2. Two
A. Alpha
B. Beta
2. Three
A. Charlie
$multilevelList1 = 'multilevel list 1'; // Normal numbering style
$multilevelList2 = 'multilevel list 2'; // Same style as previous one, but level 0 starts at 2 instead of 1
'type' => 'multilevel',
'levels' => array(
array('format' => 'decimal', 'text' => '%1.', 'left' => 360, 'hanging' => 360, 'tabPos' => 360,
'start' => 1),
array('format' => 'upperLetter', 'text' => '%2.', 'left' => 720, 'hanging' => 360, 'tabPos' => 720),
'type' => 'multilevel',
'levels' => array(
array('format' => 'decimal', 'text' => '%1.', 'left' => 360, 'hanging' => 360, 'tabPos' => 360,
'start' => 2),
array('format' => 'upperLetter', 'text' => '%2.', 'left' => 720, 'hanging' => 360, 'tabPos' => 720),
// New section
$section = $phpWord->addSection();
// Lists
$section->addListItem('One', 0, null, $multilevelList1);
$section->addListItem('Two', 0, null, $multilevelList1);
$section->addListItem('Alpha', 1, null, $multilevelList1);
$section->addListItem('Beta', 1, null, $multilevelList1);
$section->addListItem('Three', 0, null, $multilevelList2);
$section->addListItem('Charlie', 1, null, $multilevelList2);