I'm using type-graphql and typeorm. Is there a way to sort the result based on a computed field. Specifically, I want to return a list of Clients and sort the list based on a computed field: "sortName". Sort name is simply a string of the clent's "firstName lastName" or "lastName FirstName". The decision on how to generate the sortName is based on a flag in the Company table (that way the user can control how they want to view their clients). I just don't know how to do the sort prior to sending back to the front-end app. I know I can create a view and do it in sql - but I'd like to know if it's possible to do in code.
import {Arg, Ctx, Field, FieldResolver, ID, InputType, ObjectType, Query, Resolver, Root,} from 'type-graphql'
import {Client} from '../entities/Client'
import {ClientNameSort, Company} from '../entities/Company'
import {MyContext} from '../types/MyContext'
export class ClientsOptions {
@Field(() => ID)
companyId!: string
export class ClientResolver {
@FieldResolver(() => String)
async sortName(@Root() client: Client, @Ctx() { companyLoader }: MyContext) {
const company:Company = await companyLoader.load(client.companyId)
if (!company) {
throw new Error(`Missing rec for Company Id ${client.companyId}`)
if (company.clientNameSort === ClientNameSort.FIRST_NAME) {
return `${client.firstName} ${client.lastName} ${client.id}`
} else {
return `${client.lastName} ${client.firstName} ${client.id}`
@Query(() => [Client])
async clients(@Arg('options') options: ClientsOptions) {
const clientList = await Client.find({ where: { companyId: options.companyId } })
return clientList;
I believe you have to do the sorting on the "clients" method. Therefore i am not sure the field resolver is going to help you. You better separate that into a utility function and reuse it in both methods.
To to the sorting on the clients method:
If you don't want to do sorting through DB, you can get the array of clients and do a sort
clients.sort((a,b) => sortByCompanyName(company.CLIENT_NAME_SORT, a, b))
getFullIdentificator(order, client) {
if (order === ClientNameSort.FIRST_NAME) {
return `${client.firstName} ${client.lastName} ${client.id}`
} else {
return `${client.lastName} ${client.firstName} ${client.id}`
sortByCompanyName(order, prev, next) {
return getFullIdentificator(order, prev) > getFullIdentificator(order, next) ? 1 : -1