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Polly Circuit Breaker handled and unhandled exceptions

I want to use Polly to implement a Circuit Breaker pattern.

In the docs, there is a description of the Half Open state, and there it says:

  • If a handled exception is received, that exception is rethrown, and the circuit transitions immediately back to open, and remains open again for the configured timespan.
  • If an unhandled exception is received, the circuit remains in half-open.

I'm not sure I understand the difference here between handled and unhandled exception. We are describing a case where an action is run by the policy and is throwing an exception.

When they say the exception is handled, where do they mean it's being handled? because as we said, the action threw it so doesn't it mean it's unhandled?

It makes me not understand completely when the half open state remains half open and when does it transition to open.


  • When you define a Circuit Breaker policy then you can define what sort of exception(s) should be considered by the CB implementation. In other words you can list those exceptions that should be treated as failed execution and should be counted into the successive failure count.

    You can define the list of exceptions with the combination of Handle<T> and Or<T> method calls.

    Let's scrutinize this concept via a simple example:

    var retry = Policy
        .WaitAndRetry(5, _ => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
            onRetry: (exception, delay, context) => Console.WriteLine($"{"Retry",-10}{delay,-10:ss\\.fff}: {exception.GetType().Name}"));
    var circuitBreaker = Policy
        .CircuitBreaker(2, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
            onBreak: (ex, @break) => Console.WriteLine($"{"Break",-10}{@break,-10:ss\\.fff}: {ex.GetType().Name}"),
            onReset: () => Console.WriteLine($"{"Reset",-10}"),
            onHalfOpen: () => Console.WriteLine($"{"HalfOpen",-10}"));
    • The circuit breaker policy considers all ArgumentExceptions (including ArgumentNullException and ArgumentOutOfRangeException) as handled exception.
      • This means that if the called delegate throws one of these three exceptions then it will increase the successive failure count and if the threshold is reached then it will break.
    • The retry policy is triggered in case of ArgumentException and in case of NotSupportedException as well.
      • If either of these is thrown then it will sleep for a second and then it tries to re-execute the same delegate.

    So, from the Circuit Breaker perspective if a NotSupportedException is thrown than it will not be considered >> hence the name unhandled.

    This is how our sample method is implemented which will either throw an ArgumentException or a NotSupportedException:

    private static int count = 0;
    private const int threshold = 3;
    static void SampleCall()
        if (count >= threshold) throw new NotSupportedException();
        throw new ArgumentException("Nothing");

    The usage of the policies:

    var strategy = Policy.Wrap(retry, circuitBreaker);
    catch (NotSupportedException)

    Output when threshold is set to 3

    Retry     01.000    : ArgumentException
    Break     01.000    : ArgumentException
    Retry     01.000    : ArgumentException
    Retry     01.000    : NotSupportedException
    Retry     01.000    : NotSupportedException
    Retry     01.000    : NotSupportedException

    After the CB has been transferred itself into the HalfOpen state then the SampleCall throws only NotSupportedExceptions. This is not handled by the CB that's why it remains in the HalfOpen state.

    Output when threshold is set to 2

    Retry     01.000    : ArgumentException
    Retry     01.000    : NotSupportedException
    Retry     01.000    : NotSupportedException
    Retry     01.000    : NotSupportedException
    Retry     01.000    : NotSupportedException

    The CB did not break because there was no two successive ArgumentException. But the retry did trigger because it also handles NotSupportedException.

    Output when threshold is set to 4

    Retry     01.000    : ArgumentException
    Break     01.000    : ArgumentException
    Retry     01.000    : ArgumentException
    Break     01.000    : ArgumentException
    Retry     01.000    : ArgumentException
    Retry     01.000    : NotSupportedException
    Retry     01.000    : NotSupportedException

    Because the SampleCall did throw ArgumentException when the CB was in the HalfOpen state that's why CB considered that as handled exception and transferred itself from HalfOpen to Open.