I have defined the following recursive function:
primrec span :: "('a ⇒ bool) ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'a list * 'a list" where
"span P [] = ([], [])"
| "span P (x#xs) =
(let (ys, zs) = span P xs in
if P x then (x#ys, zs) else (ys, x#zs))"
which splits a list into two sublists by a filter p
and insert x
in the middle.
Now I would like to prove the following lemma:
lemma invariant_length:
shows "length (fst (span P l)) + length (snd (span P l)) = length l"
I did the proof by induction
lemma invariant_length:
shows "length (fst (span P l)) + length (snd (span P l)) = length l"
proof (induction l)
case Nil
then show ?case by auto
case (Cons a l)
show ?case
proof(cases "P a")
case True
then have "span P (a # l) = (a # fst (span P l), snd (span P l))"
by [where I stuck]
then have "length (fst (span P (a # l))) + length (snd (span P (a # l)))
= length (a # fst (span P l)) + length(snd (span P l)) "
by simp
then have "length (fst (span P (a # l))) + length (snd (span P (a # l)))
= Suc(length (fst (span P l))) + length(snd (span P l)) "
by simp
with Cons have "length (fst (span P (a # l))) + length (snd (span P (a # l))) = Suc (length l)"
by simp
then show ?thesis by simp
case False
then have "span P (a # l) = (fst (span P l), a # snd (span P l))"
by [where I stuck]
then have "length (fst (span P (a # l))) + length (snd (span P (a # l)))
= length (fst (span P l)) + length(a # snd (span P l)) "
by simp
then have "length (fst (span P (a # l))) + length (snd (span P (a # l)))
= length (fst (span P l)) + Suc(length(snd (span P l)))"
by simp
with Cons have "length (fst (span P (a # l))) + length (snd (span P (a # l))) = Suc (length l)"
by simp
then show ?thesis by simp
I stuck at the first step of the two cases during the inductive step, where I have marked as [where I stuck]
. I tried using auto
or simp
here but Isabelle says
Failed to finish proof⌂:
goal (1 subgoal):
1. P a ⟹ (case span P l of (ys, x) ⇒ (a # ys, x)) = (a # fst (span P l), snd (span P l))
How can I proceed here?
lemma invariant_length:
"length (fst (span P l)) + length (snd (span P l)) = length l"
by (induction l; simp add: prod.case_eq_if)