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Parallel programming in gfortran, strange? result in hello program

I compile the next hello program, but I don't get the result that I may expect.

program hello

print*, " Hello parallel world"

!$omp parallel

print*, omp_get_thread_num()

!$omp end parallel

print*, "Back to the sequential world"


To compile I use:

mpifort -fopenmp -o hello hello.f90

When I run it, it results:

Hello parallel world





Back to the sequential world

, but according to a manual (Parallel Programming in OpenMP by Rohit Chandra, Ramesh Menon, Leo Dagum, David Kohr, Dror Maydan, Jeff McDonald) I could get numbers between 0 and 3, not only zeros. There is something wrong?


  • You are missing use omp_lib and the compiler implicitly assumes that omp_get_num_thread() is a function that returns a floating-point value, because its name begins with o. It is not though - it returns an integer. Adding implicit none right after program hello will turn off implicit declarations and trigger a compile-time error without use omp_lib.

    program hello
       use omp_lib
       implicit none
       print*, "Hello parallel world"
    !$omp parallel
       print*, omp_get_thread_num()
    !$omp end parallel
       print*, "Back to the sequential world"