I have an issue with my math skills here. So I need to calculate the positions (x, y, z) of a specific amount of dots per aixs. For example take this image
final double gapX = lengthX / dotsPerXAxis;
final double gapY = lengthY / dotsPerYAxis;
final double gapZ = lengthZ / dotsPerZAxis;
for (BlockFace blockFace : BlockHandler.DIRECT_RELATIVES) {
final DecimalVector3D minCorner = new DecimalVector3D(
for (int x = 0; x < dotsPerXAxis || x == 0; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < dotsPerYAxis; y++) {
for (int z = 0; z < dotsPerZAxis; z++) {
My question now is: how can I iterate over all the dots except those that are inside the cuboid and calculate their position and put them in an ImmutableList?
You need to treat point if at least one coordinate of it is zero or dotsPerZAxis
So set flags - if X-coordinate lies on face, if Y-coordinate lies on face. If both flags are not set - get only the first and the last Z-coordinates, otherwise walk through all Z-coordinates.
Unchecked Java:
for (int x = 0; x < dotsPerXAxis; x++) {
bool atX = (x == 0) || (x == dotsPerXAxis - 1);
for (int y = 0; y < dotsPerYAxis; y++) {
bool atY = (y == 0) || (y == dotsPerYAxis - 1);
int zstep = (atX || atY)? 1: dotsPerZAxis - 1;
for (int z = 0; z < dotsPerZAxis; z+=zstep) {
Ideone Python working code as proof-of-concept gives n^3 - (n-2)^3
points (26 surface points for n=3, 56 for n=4, 98 for n=5)