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How to highlight option value in angular mat-autocomplete after setValue?

This is the maximum simplified code sample:

the problem is that: selected item is not highlighted in the list, when I manually set formControl value:


Not highlighted item after setValue

but if I click on this item, then the item is highlighted:

Highlighted item

I see that highlight is when the option has mat-selected class.

Maybe have somebody any ideas on how to highlight that item after setValue?


  • autocomplete-sample.html

        <input matInput [formControl]="formControl" [matAutocomplete]="autoComplete">
        <mat-autocomplete #autoComplete="matAutocomplete">
          <mat-option [ngClass]="(formControl.value===option.description)?'mat-selecte-default':''" *ngFor="let option of filteredOptions | async" [value]="option.description">


    .mat-selected {
      background: darkblue !important;
      color: lightgray !important;
    .mat-selecte-default {
      background: darkblue !important;
      color: lightgray !important;

    Stackblitz example