So I am using this tmux plugin for logging the entire tmux history.
The plugin uses the key bindings C-b
+ P
to start and stop the logging session. Basically, prefix
+ P
I am programatically trying to to stop and start the logging session to create a new output file for each day. For this, I want to setup a crontab to run a simple script. The content of the script is as follows.
tmux send-keys -t 0:0 C-b P # stops the logging session
tmux send-keys -t 0:0 C-b P # restarts the logging session
But when I attach to the tmux session, what I see is this printed on the screen.
So C-b
instead of being treated as a prefix
, is being treated as a normal key combination. I have also tried using the following, but still the same result.
tmux send-prefix -t 0:0 # prints ^B on the session window
tmux send-keys -t 0:0 P
What is the workaround for this?
According to the maintainer of tmux, "You can't trigger tmux key bindings with send-keys. You could just run the commands the key is bound to instead.".
For your specific case, I see in logging.tmux:
tmux bind-key "$logging_key" run-shell "$CURRENT_DIR/scripts/"
tmux bind-key "$pane_screen_capture_key" run-shell "$CURRENT_DIR/scripts/"
tmux bind-key "$save_complete_history_key" run-shell "$CURRENT_DIR/scripts/"
tmux bind-key "$clear_history_key" run-shell "$CURRENT_DIR/scripts/"
is the directory that this script lives in.
So, find that script on your machine and then change your send-keys to
tmux send-keys -t 0:0 '$SCRIPT_DIR/scripts/' Enter