I have a menu in Wordpress with an ACF field called "svg"
To create my menu, I do this:
function b_get_menu_id( $location )
$a = get_nav_menu_locations();
if (isset($a[$location])) return $a[$location];
return false;
function b_get_nav_items($location) {
$id = b_get_menu_id($location);
$nav = [];
$children = [];
if(!$id) {
return $nav;
foreach(wp_get_nav_menu_items($id) as $object) {
$item = new stdClass();
$item->url = $object->url;
$item->label = $object->title;
$item->id = $object->object_id;
$item->icon = $object->classes[0];
$item->parent = intval($object->menu_item_parent);
$item->children = [];
$children[] = $item;
} else {
$nav[$object->ID] = $item;
foreach($children as $item) {
$nav[$item->parent]->children[] = $item;
return $nav;
I display my menu like this:
@foreach(b_get_nav_items('primary_navigation') as $item)
... my html here...
In my foreach, I'm trying to call my ACF fields from my menu like this:
<?php get_field('svg', $item->id)
But it does not work (null). I'm lost. How can I get my ACF field?
thank you so much
It's not documented in the ACF docs, but this seems to work if you prefix with "menu_". For example:
get_field('field_name', 'menu_' . $menu_id);