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Downloading WorldPop Population Count rasters

I am interested in downloading the 2020 UN Adjusted Population Count for Democratic Republic of the Congo at the 30 arc second resolution from WorldPop (See here ) as a GeoTIFF (.tif) file. I am trying to do this for multiple countries to I was exploring the wpgpDownloadR package.


Could I get some help with directly downloading the WorldPop Population Count .tif file for a specific country (for example, DRC, Nigeria, Belgium, France etc.)?

I have an R code for converting this GeoTIFF raster (.tif file) to a NetCDF (.nc file) if I already have the tif file locally pre-downloaded but if I want for a different country I have to download it and do this over again.


# Downloaded from above website
DRCWorldPop <- raster("cod_ppp_2020_1km_Aggregated_UNadj.tif") 

rnc <- writeRaster(DRCWorldPop, filename ='', format = "CDF",  varname = "Susceptible", varunit = "Persons", longname = "Susceptible", overwrite = TRUE)

I am trying to have a single generic code to use ftp to download the rasters for any country. Could you please point me in the right direction? Thank you for your time.


  • You can do something like this

    iso3 <- "RWA"
    cov <- "ppp_2000"
    path <- dirname(tempdir())
    f <- file.path(path, tolower(paste0(iso3, "_", cov, ".tif")))
    if (!file.exists(f)) {
        f <- wpgpGetCountryDataset(ISO3 = "RWA", covariate = "ppp_2000", destDir=path) 
    r <- raster(f)

    This allows you to loop over country and covariate. It also avoids downloading files that you already have.