I am trying to resolve IPv4 and IpV6 from ".local" using multicast DNS and I tried https://github.com/posicks/mdnsjava but it unable to resolve required ipv4/ipv6. Alternatively, I found one app which work for me but have no idea how it works.
App Link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dokoden.dotlocalfinder
Also I am trying to resolve ".local" using Linux
Terminal -
Command used to resolve ipv4
avahi-resolve-host-name abc.local -4
Command used to resolve ipv6
avahi-resolve-host-name abc.local -6
and it resolved successfully.
I am tried same command in Android to resolve ".local" but getting Cannot run program "avahi-resolve-host-name": error=13, Permission denied
I am trying this piece of code in Android -
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("avahi-resolve-host-name abc.local -4");
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
Finally, I got success.
I resolved Ipv4 and Ipv6 using mdnsjava dependency i.e.
implementation "xyz.gianlu.mdnsjava:mdnsjava:2.2.1"
For resolving Ipv4 I use this code snippet
for (Record record : new Lookup(localName, Type.A, DClass.IN).lookupRecords()) {
if (record.getType() == Type.A) {
((ARecord) record).getAddress().getHostAddress();
Before writing this code snippet you have to put MuticastLock on connected Wifi using
WifiManager.MulticastLock multicastLoc = wifiManager.createMulticastLock("mDnsLock");
and after getting ip release multicastLock.
For Ipv6 I used same Ipv4 code snippet only here the record type should be Type.AAAA
in place of Type.A
This code works up to Android 10.