I'm having a Spring application with jOOQ and Postgresql database having a table (issues) with the following two columns:
id (Long)
documents (jsonb[]) <- array of jsonb (not jsonb array)
The document json structure is on the following format:
"id": (UUID),
"name": (String),
"owner"; (String)
What I want to achieve is to be able to replace documents with matching id (normally only one) with a new document. I'm struggling with the jOOQ or even the plain SQL.
I guess I need to write some plain SQL in jOOQ to be able to do this but that is ok (to a minimum). I had an idea to do the following:
Raw SQL looks like this but missing the new document to be added:
UPDATE issues SET documents = (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(doc) FROM issues, UNNEST(issues.documents) AS doc WHERE doc->>'id' != 'e4e3422f-83a4-493b-8bf9-37980d532538') WHERE issues.id = 1;
My final goal is to write this in jOOQ and append the document to be replaced. I'm using jOOQ 3.11.4.
You should be able to just concatenate arrays in PostgreSQL:
UPDATE issues
SET documents = (
SELECT ARRAY_AGG(doc) || '{"id":"e4e3422f-83a4-493b-8bf9-37980d532538","name":"n"}'::jsonb
FROM issues, UNNEST(issues.documents) AS doc
WHERE doc->>'id' != 'e4e3422f-83a4-493b-8bf9-37980d532538'
WHERE issues.id = 1
Some common array functions will be added to jOOQ in the near future, e.g. array concatenation, but you can get away for now with plain SQL templating I suspect?