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Azure CLI - Configuring the App Service Logs

I'm trying to configure the Application Logging (Blob) and Web Server Logging (Storage) settings for a Azure Web App using the Azure CLI.

I am creating the Storage Container using the following command:

az storage container create --account-name StorageAccName --name ContainerName --auth-mode login

However, I can't link the Storage Settings in the Web App to use the new container.

I haven't been able to find anything in the reference documentation.

Does anyone have a clever way to configure this setting? Thanks!

enter image description here

Updated with final solution based on the answer by krishg.

$webAppName = "containerName"
$accountName = "accountName"
$accountKey = "accountKey"

$containerExists =  az storage container exists --name $webAppName --account-name $accountName --auth-mode login | ConvertFrom-Json
"Container Exists: " + $containerExists.exists

if (!$containerExists.exists)
    $container = az storage container create --account-name $accountName --name $webAppName --auth-mode login | ConvertFrom-Json
    "Container Created: " + $container.created

$sas = az storage container generate-sas --account-name $accountName --expiry "2220-01-01" --name $webAppName --permissions dlrw --account-key $accountKey --start "2020-11-25T12:15:09Z"
$sasUrl = '"https://' + $accountName + '' + $webAppName + '?' + $sas.Trim('"') + '"'
"Storage Account Container Shared Access Signature (SAS) URL: "

$appServiceLogSettings = az webapp log show --name $webAppName --resource-group $resourceGroup | ConvertFrom-Json

$webapplog = az resource update --ids $ --set properties.applicationLogs.azureBlobStorage.sasUrl=$sasUrl, properties.applicationLogs.azureBlobStorage.retentionInDays="365", properties.applicationLogs.azureBlobStorage.level="Error", properties.httpLogs.azureBlobStorage.sasUrl=$sasUrl, properties.httpLogs.azureBlobStorage.retentionInDays="365", properties.httpLogs.azureBlobStorage.enabled="true", properties.detailedErrorMessages.enabled="true", properties.failedRequestsTracing.enabled="true" | ConvertFrom-Json
"Application Logging (Blob) Level: " + $
"Application Logging (Blob) RetentionInDays: " + $
"Application Logging (Blob) SAS URL: " + $

"Web Server Logging (Blob) Enabled: " + $
"Web Server Logging (Blob) RetentionInDays: " + $
"Web Server Logging (Blob) SAS URL: " + $

"Detailed Error Messages: " + $
"Failed Requests Tracing: " + $


  • I agree it's bit of a bummer not having the option of setting storage account in az webapp log config. But you can do the following to set the storage settings in log config.

    $sas = az storage container generate-sas --account-name mystorageaccount --expiry 2022-01-01 --name mycontainer --permissions dlrw
    $sasUrl = '' + $sas.Trim('"')
    • Get resource id of the log config of your app service.
    $logConfigResourceId = az webapp log show --name MyWebApp --resource-group MyResourceGroup --query 'id' -o json
    az resource update --ids $logConfigResourceId --set properties.applicationLogs.azureBlobStorage.sasUrl=$sasUrl
    az resource update --ids $logConfigResourceId --set properties.httpLogs.azureBlobStorage.sasUrl=$sasUrl
    az resource update --ids $logConfigResourceId --set properties.httpLogs.azureBlobStorage.enabled=true

    You can also combine all properties update in a single update by a comma-separated list like:

    az resource update --ids $logConfigResourceId --set properties.applicationLogs.azureBlobStorage.sasUrl=$sasUrl,properties.httpLogs.azureBlobStorage.sasUrl=$sasUrl,properties.httpLogs.azureBlobStorage.enabled=true

    enter image description here

    To understand the structure of the log config resource if you want to update any other settings, you can run az webapp log show --name MyWebApp --resource-group MyResourceGroup.