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Haskell IO, getting two input in the same line and doing validation

module TicTacToe (tictactoe) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State

import Data.Char
import Data.List

import Text.Printf

tictactoe :: IO ()
tictactoe = do
  let grid = [' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ']
  let count = 0
  output_grid grid count
output_grid :: String -> Int -> IO()
output_grid grid count = do
  putStr ".---.---.---.\n"
  printf "| %c | %c | %c |\n" (grid !! 0) (grid !! 1) (grid !! 2)
  putStr ".---.---.---.\n"
  printf "| %c | %c | %c |\n" (grid !! 3) (grid !! 4) (grid !! 5)
  putStr ".---.---.---.\n"
  printf "| %c | %c | %c |\n" (grid !! 6) (grid !! 7) (grid !! 8)
  putStr ".---.---.---.\n" -- output grid
  if count `mod` 2 == 0 
    then putStr "O MOVE\n"
    else putStr "X MOVE\n" -- tell player which to move
  if count `mod` 2 == 0
    then player_input grid 'O' count
    else player_input grid 'X' count

player_input :: String -> Char -> Int -> IO()
player_input grid sym count = do
  inp <- getLine
  let x = (read (takeWhile (/= ' ') inp) :: Int)
  let y = (read (drop 1 (dropWhile (/= ' ') inp)) :: Int)
  if (x < 1) || (x > 3) || (y < 1) || (y > 3)
    then putStr "INVALID POSITION \n"
    else return ()
  if (x < 1) || (x > 3) || (y < 1) || (y > 3)
    then player_input grid sym count
    else return ()
  let target = (x - 1) * 3 + (y - 1)
  if (grid !! target /= ' ')
    then putStr "INVALID POSITION \n"
    else return ()
  if (grid !! target /= ' ')
    then player_input grid sym count
    else return ()
  let new_grid = (take target grid) ++ [sym] ++ (drop (target + 1) grid)
  if (check_win new_grid sym)
    then output_terminate new_grid sym
    else if count == 8
      then output_terminate new_grid 'D'
      else output_grid new_grid (count + 1)

check_win :: String -> Char -> Bool
check_win grid sym = do
  if (grid !! 0 == sym) && (grid !! 1 == sym) && (grid !! 2 == sym)
    then True
    else if (grid !! 3 == sym) && (grid !! 4 == sym) && (grid !! 5 == sym)
      then True
      else if (grid !! 6 == sym) && (grid !! 7 == sym) && (grid !! 8 == sym)
      then True
        else if (grid !! 0 == sym) && (grid !! 3 == sym) && (grid !! 6 == sym)
          then True
          else if (grid !! 1 == sym) && (grid !! 4 == sym) && (grid !! 7 == sym)
            then True
            else if (grid !! 2 == sym) && (grid !! 5 == sym) && (grid !! 8 == sym)
              then True
              else if (grid !! 0 == sym) && (grid !! 4 == sym) && (grid !! 8 == sym)
                then True
                else if (grid !! 2 == sym) && (grid !! 4 == sym) && (grid !! 6 == sym)
                  then True
                  else False

output_terminate :: String -> Char -> IO()
output_terminate grid winner = do
  putStr ".---.---.---.\n"
  printf "| %c | %c | %c |\n" (grid !! 0) (grid !! 1) (grid !! 2)
  putStr ".---.---.---.\n"
  printf "| %c | %c | %c |\n" (grid !! 3) (grid !! 4) (grid !! 5)
  putStr ".---.---.---.\n"
  printf "| %c | %c | %c |\n" (grid !! 6) (grid !! 7) (grid !! 8)
  putStr ".---.---.---.\n"
  if winner == 'D'
    then putStr "DRAW \n"
    else printf "%c WINS \n" winner

I am a beginner in Haskell and I am working on a small TicTacToe game. This is the function that I used to get the player to input the coordinate of the symbol, like 2 2 (this will means that the symbol placing at the centre), they want to put into. And I want to add some validation feature on it. By now, it can only handle out of range inputs like 12 2, and avoiding overwriting the occupied grids. But I want to do more. For example, 2 (only 1 input), 1 2 xy (xy not supposed to be here), and abcde (random input not making sense). I want to make the program also able to handle these invalid input.


  • As a general suggestion, it's usually cleaner if we separate validation from user interaction. We could use a custom type for the validation result.

    data Validation
      = CorrectMove Int Int      -- correct input
      | OutOfBounds              -- off the board
      | NonEmpty                 -- can not play on the same cell twice
      | ParseError               -- input is not two integers

    Using the above, we can define a custom function for validation. (Below, I exploit Text.Read.readMaybe for simplicity, but reads from Prelude can also be used with minor changes.)

    import Text.Read (readMaybe)
       :: String         -- ^ the user input
       -> String         -- ^ the grid (should be its own type)
       -> Validation
    validate input grid = case words input of
       [xStr, yStr] -> -- two words, let's parse them
          case (readMaybe xStr, readMaybe yStr) of
             (Just x, Just y)
                | x < 1 || x > 3 || y < 1 || y > 3 -> OutOfBounds
                | cell grid x y /= ' '             -> NotEmpty
                | otherwise                        -> CorrectMove x y
             _ -> ParseError -- two words, but not two integers
       _ -> ParseError  -- not two words

    The above exploits a custom grid-accessing function which we define below:

    -- coordinates must be in-bounds
    cell :: String -> Int -> Int -> Char
    cell grid x y = grid !! ((x - 1) * 3 + y - 1)

    After that, we can exploit our validation when we perform user interaction:

    player_input :: String -> Char -> Int -> IO()
    player_input grid sym count = do
      inp <- getLine
      case validate inp grid of
         ParseError  -> putStrLn "Invalid input!"
         NonEmpty    -> putStrLn "Cell not empty!"
         OutOfBounds -> putStrLn "Invalid coordinates!"
         CorrectMove x y -> do
            putStrLn $ "ValidMove in cell " ++ show (x,y)
            -- here we can use x and y, knowing they are valid
            -- and update the game state