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Pivot output isn't as expected

I have data which is already summed and grouped in a dataframe named df:

| id | segment | region   | points |
| 90 | Gold    | APAC     | 21     |
| 90 | Silver  | EMEA     | 34     |
| 90 | Bronze  | AMERICAS | 564    |
| 90 | Gold    | EMEA     | 3939   |
| 90 | Silver  | Americas | 989    |
| 90 | Gold    | EMEA     | 43     |
| 90 | Silver  | APAC     | 13     |
| 90 | Bronze  | AMERICAS | 567    |

I would like to pivot both segment and region to columns and then total the points for those columns. The output would look like the below based on the input above:

| id | Gold | Silver | Bronze | APAC | EMEA | AMERICAS |
| 90 | 4003 | 1036   | 1131   | 34   | 4016 | 2120     |

What I've tried so far is to convert my dataframe to Pandas and then use the built in pivot_table function.

import pandas as pd
df_pd = df.toPandas()
pd.pivot_table(df_pd, values = 'points', index=['id'], columns = ['segment', 'region']).reset_index()

The code works but the output isn't as expected. Instead of getting totals with each region and segment as a column, I get two rows of columns. Within the two rows of columns, it appears that region is a subgrouping of segment. See below (note, numbers don't match due to random numbers being used in the sample data, I'm more concerned about the shape):

enter image description here


  • Solution with double pivot_table and DataFrame.join:

    df1 = pd.pivot_table(df_pd, values='points', index='id', columns='segment', aggfunc='sum')
    df2 = pd.pivot_table(df_pd, values='points', index='id', columns='region', aggfunc='sum')
    df = df1.join(df2).reset_index()
    print (df)
       id  Bronze  Gold  Silver  AMERICAS  APAC  Americas  EMEA
    0  90    1131  4003    1036      1131    34       989  4016

    In your solution is possible add sum per first and per second level of MultiIndex in columns with join:

    df3 = pd.pivot_table(df_pd,
                        values = 'points', 
                        columns = ['segment', 'region'], 
    df = df3.sum(level=0, axis=1).join(df3.sum(level=1, axis=1)).reset_index()
    print (df)
       id  Bronze  Gold  Silver  AMERICAS  APAC  EMEA  Americas
    0  90    1131  4003    1036      1131    34  4016       989