I want to make a git diff between two different revisions of my code. What is bothering me is the a problem with multi line variable.
MyVariable= "some_data_here="some_value"; another_data_here \
more_data_here \
When I run:
git diff some_commit_sha^! -- repo_name | grep some_data_here
The same thing happens without pipe grep.
git diff some_commit_sha^! -- repo_name
My expectation is to obtain
MyVariable= "some_data_here="some_value"; another_data_here \
more_data_here \
Real result are
MyVariable= "some_data_here="some_val more_data_here \"
How can I make a git diff agains a variable with multiple lines ?
Any help will be appreciated.
git diff -U 9999 <othercommit> -- filename
Thank you @LeGEC.