var config = Db4oEmbedded.NewConfiguration ();
using (var container = Db4oEmbedded.OpenFile (config, FILE))
var foo = new Foo ("Test");
container.Store (foo);
foo.Name = "NewName";
container.Store (foo);
Any way to resolve the history of container for foo in the format below?
Foo created with values "Test" Foo
Foo's property "Test" changed to "NewName"
You can do by implementing event-handlers. Basically you can register a event-handler for the creating and the updating event. Like this:
IEventRegistry events = EventRegistryFactory.ForObjectContainer(container);
events.Creating +=delegate(object sender, CancellableObjectEventArgs args)
Console.WriteLine("{0} created: Value {1}",args.Object.GetType(),args.Object);
For viewing value changes you maybe need to peek the old state in the event-handler. You can do this like this:
IEventRegistry events = EventRegistryFactory.ForObjectContainer(container);
events.Creating +=delegate(object sender, CancellableObjectEventArgs args)
IObjectContainer eventContainer = args.ObjectContainer();
object oldVersion = eventContainer.Ext().Peek(args.Object,1,false);
object currentVersion = args.Object;
// Do comparison and print stuff
Of course the comparison and printing is the work you have to do. There's nothing built in for that.