I am using singer's tap-zendesk library and want to extract data from specific schemas.
I am running the following command in sync mode:
tap-zendesk --config config.json --catalog catalog.json.
Currently my config.json file has the following parameters:
"email": "<email>",
"api_token": "<token>",
"subdomain": "<domain>",
"start_date": "<start_date>"
I've managed to extract data by putting 'selected':true under schema, properties and metadata in the catalog.json file. But I was wondering if there was an easier way to do this? There are around 15 streams I need to go through.
I manage to get the catalog.json file through the discovery mode command:
tap-zendesk --config config.json --discover > catalog.json
The output looks something like the following, but that means that I have to go and add selected:True under every field.
"streams": [
"stream": "tickets",
"tap_stream_id": "tickets",
"schema": {
**"selected": "true"**,
"properties": {
"organization_id": {
**"selected": "true"**,},
"metadata": [
"breadcrumb": [],
"metadata": {
**"selected": "true"**
The selected=true needs to be applied only once per stream. This needs to be added to the metadata section under the stream where breadcrumbs = []. This is very poorly documented.
Please see this blog post for some helpful details: https://medium.com/getting-started-guides/extracting-ticket-data-from-zendesk-using-singer-io-tap-zendesk-57a8da8c3477