Search code examples

Milvus : train and search on separte machines

I'm using milvus to make image similarity research in a dataset of around one million images.

The basic setting is :

  • milvus in one docker
  • mysql in an other docker
  • milvus reads/writes in the mysql database.

Question : is it reasonable to have mysql running on a remote machine ? How many mysql requests does Milvus do for performing one research ?

If not, I guess that the most reasonable path is to copy the mysql docker with its data from the "train machine" to the "search machine". Correct ?


  • It's not a good choice to run mysql on a remote machine. There are many mysql requests when milvus does search task.

    ——"If not, I guess that the most reasonable path is to copy the mysql docker with its data from the "train machine" to the "search machine". Correct ?"
