I have the following schema:
key character(128),
value character(128),
timestamp int
With three rows:
key1 -> value1 -> 100
key2 -> value5 -> 200
key1 -> value15 -> 300
I would like to run a query, where I could get key value pairs for given key. So, for example running
SELECT key, value
FROM test
WHERE key = ANY(array['key1', 'key2'])
ORDER by timestamp DESC
would return
key1, value15
key2, value5
Right now, the query above returns the most recent element only. How should I modify it to return the most recent element for each item from the 'any' array? Thanks!
I think the simplest approach is to unnest the array, and use distinct on
select distinct on (a.key) a.key, t.value
from test t
inner join unnest(array['key1', 'key2']) a(key) on a.key = t.key
order by a.key, t.timestamp desc