I am using Laravel Spark for billing my customers. In case they will pay with 3D Secure cards (I test it with card no. from stripe doc's https://stripe.com/docs/testing#regulatory-cards: 4000 0027 6000 3184) I have the following problem:
The stripe pop-up/modal opens and I click 'Complete Authentication'.
After that the authentication process starts and the user gets directed to
Here I get the following Laravel error (I do not find other error causes in console or somewhere else):
I've added stripe/*
in VerifyCsrfToken
Class already...
Maybe do I need to test this case on my server?
Very weird and I guess thats a sign that I do not have any issues with stripe, with laravel instead. When I remove the query parameter ?redirect=home
I get this screen:
When I proceed I do not get redirected.. Of course because there is no redirect uri...
Does any one had this issue before?
For me this is a bug in Spark. I've searched for all occurences where Stripe used a redirect. One indication for me that this could really be a bug is:
In subscription-notice.blade.php
file there ist the link build as follows:
{!! __('Please :linkOpen confirm your payment :linkClose to activate your subscription!', ['linkOpen' => '<a href="/'.config('cashier.path').'/payment/'.auth()->user()->subscription()->latestPayment()->id.'?redirect='.url('/home').'">', 'linkClose' => '</a>']) !!}
The part '?redirect='.url('/home').'
creates a full valid URL with host address.
Not only a relative path! These relative paths runs into the 403 Error in my case.
Like in the RegisterController
* Handle a registration request for the application.
* @param \Laravel\Spark\Contracts\Http\Requests\Auth\RegisterRequest $request
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function register(RegisterRequest $request)
list($user, $paymentId) = Spark::interact(
Register::class, [$request]
event(new UserRegistered($user));
if ($user instanceof MustVerifyEmail && ! $user->hasVerifiedEmail()) {
return response()->json([
'redirect' => $paymentId ?
: $this->redirectPath(),
returns a relative path. I've changed this part into:
return response()->json([
'redirect' => $paymentId ?
: $this->redirectPath(),
In this case I took the host address from my config and put it in front of the relative path.
Just for better understanding, the returned URL above is used here (register-stripe.js
* After obtaining the Stripe token, send the registration to Spark.
sendRegistration(paymentMethod) {
this.registerForm.stripe_payment_method = paymentMethod;
Spark.post('/register', this.registerForm)
.then(response => {
window.location = response.redirect;
There are some more cases where I needed to override some JavaScript or PHP sources...
I hope I could help others with that! If necessary I could also post the exact places where I've changed the redirect URL in the comments.