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Printing Tabulator Table Using Wkhtmltopdf ( Error: Warning: undefined:0 TypeError: '[object EventConstructor]' is not a constructor )

I am trying to convert html that has tabulator table in body but it is show the following error:

Warning: undefined:0 TypeError: '[object EventConstructor]' is not a constructor

and the wkhtmltopdf does not move ahead.


    <!DOCTYPE html>

    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        Function.prototype.bind = Function.prototype.bind || function (thisp) {
            var fn = this;
            return function () {
                return fn.apply(thisp, arguments);

    <div id="table"></div>
        var tabledata = [
            { id: 1, name: "Oli Bob", age: "12", col: "red", dob: "" },
            { id: 2, name: "Mary May", age: "1", col: "blue", dob: "14/05/1982" },
            { id: 3, name: "Christine Lobowski", age: "42", col: "green", dob: "22/05/1982" },
            { id: 4, name: "Brendon Philips", age: "125", col: "orange", dob: "01/08/1980" },
            { id: 5, name: "Margret Marmajuke", age: "16", col: "yellow", dob: "31/01/1999" },

        new Tabulator("#table", {
            data: tabledata, //assign data to table
            layout: "fitColumns", //fit columns to width of table (optional)
            columns: [ //Define Table Columns
                { title: "Name", field: "name", width: 150 },
                { title: "Age", field: "age", hozAlign: "left", formatter: "progress" },
                { title: "Favourite Color", field: "col" },
                { title: "Date Of Birth", field: "dob", sorter: "date", hozAlign: "center" },

        window.status = 'print';


works fine in browser but wkhtmltopdf stops at:

command: wkhtmltopdf --debug-javascript --window-status print --enable-local-file-access tabtest.html table.pdf

screenshot of the wkhtmltopdf console output


  • Is there a reason you are trying to generate a PDF of a table that way? your import tool will probably struggle because Tabulator does not produce a pure HTML table.

    There are several features that come built in to Tabulator that may provide a better way for you to get what you want:

    Built in PDF Downloading

    Tabulator does come with a built in PDF Downloader that lets you download the table as a pdf with one simple command"pdf", "table.pdf");

    Full details of this can be found in the PDF Download Documentation

    Printing the table

    Because Tabulator uses a virtual DOM only the visible rows of the table actually exist, the rest are created and destroyed as you scroll, so printing a table will only get you the visible rows.

    If you want to print the whole table then you should have a look at the Print Documentation that will take you through how to enable print styling an show the whole table:

    var table = new Tabulator("#example-table", {
        printAsHtml:true, //enable html table printing
        printStyled:true, //copy Tabulator styling to HTML table

    HTML Export

    If you would simply like an HTML equivalent of the table the the getHTML function will return a simple HTML equivalent of the table that you can use in any way you like:

    var htmlTable = table.getHtml();

    Full details on this option can be found in the HTML Table Export Documentation