I have an issue with showing specific resources with azure kusto query.
what i want is to write a kusto query that show only database resources and server resources in azure.
i have written following query regarding Databases:
| where type in ("microsoft.sql/servers/databases","microsoft.dbforpostgresql/servers","microsoft.azuredata/postgresinstances","microsoft.dbformariadb/servers","microsoft.dbformysql/flexibleservers","microsoft.dbformysql/servers","microsoft.dbforpostgresql/flexibleservers","microsoft.dbforpostgresql/servergroups","microsoft.kusto/clusters/databases","microsoft.sql/managedinstances/databases","microsoft.synapse/workspaces/sqldatabases","ravenhq.db/databases","microsoft.documentdb/databaseaccounts")
| summarize Amount=count() by type
But when i execute the query it shows me two Databases even though i only have create one, the extra one is a "master" which should not be included because there is only one resource in the resource group
i have also tried with the following query:
| where type contains "database" | distinct type
| summarize Amount=count() by type
But then the issue is that it doesnt include all the db's that doesnt have the word "database" in the type name for example "microsoft.azuredata/postgresinstances"
so the question is, how do i write a query that shows ALL the databases on my dashboard.
The second part of the question which is similar to the previous with databases is how i show all the Servers. I have tried with the following queries:
| where split(type,"/")[array_length(split(type,"/"))] contains "servers"
it gave me no result even though i had a server. then i tried:
| where type contains "/server" | distinct type
| summarize Amount=count() by type
that didnt work because it also returned all the database resources cuntaining the work "server"
i have tried to look through microsofts documentation, but cannot figure out what to do.
If you don't want the master databases (which are the databases that store system level data in SQL databases, you can simply filter them out:
| where type in ("microsoft.sql/servers/databases","microsoft.dbforpostgresql/servers","microsoft.azuredata/postgresinstances","microsoft.dbformariadb/servers","microsoft.dbformysql/flexibleservers","microsoft.dbformysql/servers","microsoft.dbforpostgresql/flexibleservers","microsoft.dbforpostgresql/servergroups","microsoft.kusto/clusters/databases","microsoft.sql/managedinstances/databases","microsoft.synapse/workspaces/sqldatabases","ravenhq.db/databases","microsoft.documentdb/databaseaccounts")
| where name type != "microsoft.sql/servers/databases" or name != "master"
| summarize Amount=count() by type
Regarding the 2nd question, this should work since the has
operator will only match whole tokens (and a slash separates tokens):
resources | where type has "servers"