Edit: I have tried with "Form Array in Angular 9 to create the question with the type text,text area , checkbox, select box or add more videos and images into the survey. After that I will save all of them to database on the json format. At the end of processing, I will show the newest survey for the customers, who is able to answer those questions." sorry about my language. I have done with this question.
I am doing now a tool in order to create a list of questionnaires for the customers on the admin page by Angular 9 or 10. In Angular, I have just seen only drag and drop at https://material.angular.io/cdk/drag-drop/overview. Howerver I would like to add images and video to the questionnaires.
I want to create a tool. In this tool, the admin can create the questionnaires and the customers could answer. Do you have an idea for that? because I do not know how to do it. and how to save this in the database system?
I researched but I did not find what is exactly. I just found some services for creating tool: https://uibakery.io/ https://www.infragistics.com/products/ignite-ui-angular/angular/components/drag-drop https://stackblitz.com/github/IgniteUI/igniteui-live-editing-samples/tree/master/angular-demos/interactions/icons-sample?file=src%2Fapp%2Fdrag-drop%2Ficons-sample%2Ficons-sample.component.ts https://techrev.us/platform/ui-designer https://www.typeform.com/surveys/
I think there is no Angular library that fits your need (pls correct me when I´m wrong), that means you have to build the Frontend stuff on your own. Maybe you should start to learn how to design/create a database, how to create a Web API, and then learn how Angular JS works.