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Show two things side by side using catimg (like in neofetch)

I am trying to create something like neofetch does using bash.

I want to show one image on the right and one ascii art (using the cat << EOF myascii EOF command) So that I can show a logo and a text on the other side.

I want to use it as my login welcome screen when I ssh some of my machines.

So I was able to show the ascii art by doing :

cat << EOF

 _____         _   
|_   _|       | |  
  | | ___  ___| |_ 
  | |/ _ \/ __| __|
  | |  __/\__ \ |_ 


And showing my image using catimg myimage.png

However I try to show them both side by side. I tried using pr. pr -m -t <(catimg) <(cat mytestfile.txt) but it doesn't work and it cuts my ascii art.

It's the same using the paste command.

Was anyone able to do it. If yes how ? My ascii art is quiet long too so without it to be cutted it would be awesome.

Thanks for your help.


  • Produce txt file by merging ouput of catimg and figlet

    Instead of real merge, I will simply put both output at correct place by using ANSI escape code

        mapfile aa < <(figlet -w40 $text)
        printf "%s" "${aa[@]}"
        catimg -w40 "$image" |
            sed "\$!s/^/\o33[40C/;1s/^/\o33[${#aa[@]}A/"
    } >outputfile.txt


    This could be written as a function:

    mkTextImage() {
        local aa width=${COLUMNS} prcent=50 text image lwidth rwidth ffont
        while [ "${1::1}" == "-" ] ;do
            case $1 in 
                -w) shift;width=$1;shift;;
                -p) shift;prcent=$1;shift;;
                -f) shift;ffont="-f $1";shift;;
        text="$1" image="$2"
        printf -v lwidth %.0f $(
             bc -l <<<"$width/100*$prcent")
        mapfile aa < <(figlet -w$lwidth $ffont $text)
        printf "%s" "${aa[@]}"
        catimg -w$rwidth "$image" |
            sed "\$!s/^/\o33[${lwidth}C/;1s/^/\o33[${#aa[@]}A/"

    And reversed:

    (Nota: This work while catimg length stay bigger than figlet length)

    mkImageText () { 
        local aa fl width=${COLUMNS} prcent=50 text image lwidth rwidth ffont
        while [ "${1::1}" == "-" ] ;do
            case $1 in 
                -w) shift;width=$1;shift;;
                -p) shift;prcent=$1;shift;;
                -f) shift;ffont="-f $1";shift;;
        image="$1" text="$2"
        printf -v lwidth %.0f $(bc -l <<<"$width/100*$prcent")
        mapfile aa < <(catimg -w$lwidth "$image")
        printf "%s" "${aa[@]}"
        printf "\e[$((${#aa[@]}-1))A"
        mapfile fl < <(figlet -w$rwidth $ffont "$text")
        printf "\e[${lwidth}C%s" "${fl[@]}"
        printf "\e[$((${#aa[@]}-${#fl[@]}-1))B"


    From there, regarding your comment: try using 42% of 80 columns width for image:

    mkImageText -f small -p 42 spongebob.png "Sponge Bob"


    mkTextImage -f small -p 58 "Sponge Bob" spongebob.png 

    Will render:

    Gif animation of both commands on 80x25 terminal

    Then you could try using -f smblock option, or modify functions to use toilet instead of figlet...

    More complete version on my website: