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How to know if current logged in user is tenant admin using graph api

I have a requirement to check if logged in user is tenant admin or not using MS graph api. I tried below and get below response and there is nothing related to roles in below response. How to determine whether the below "id" is tenant Admin or not?

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#users/$entity",
    "businessPhones": [],
    "displayName": "",
    "givenName": "",
    "jobTitle": null,
    "mail": "",
    "mobilePhone": null,
    "officeLocation": "",
    "preferredLanguage": ,
    "surname": "",
    "userPrincipalName": "",
    "id": "Guid"


  • You can use Get to implement your requirement.

    If the first item of the value in the api response data is Company Administrator, the logged in user is admin. If not, the user is not admin (shown as below screenshot). enter image description here