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Custom maker in Symfony MakerBundle

In Symfony MakerBundle docs there is a word about creating own makers. It says to:

create a class that extends AbstractMaker in your src/Maker/ directory. And this is really it!

Slow down there. What about a custom template/skeleton for this new maker? I checked in Symfony\Bundle\MakerBundle\Generator class and it searches for templates like this:

$templatePath = __DIR__.'/Resources/skeleton/'.$templateName;

So when running custom maker (command) the path is still set to Symfony MakerBundle resources. Am I missing something? No clean way to generate files from custom templates?


  • Well if I look at the code in Symfony\Bundle\MakerBundle\Generator I see this:

     private function addOperation(string $targetPath, string $templateName, array $variables)
            if ($this->fileManager->fileExists($targetPath)) {
                throw new RuntimeCommandException(sprintf('The file "%s" can\'t be generated because it already exists.', $this->fileManager->relativizePath($targetPath)));
            $variables['relative_path'] = $this->fileManager->relativizePath($targetPath);
            $templatePath = $templateName;
            if (!file_exists($templatePath)) {
                $templatePath = __DIR__.'/Resources/skeleton/'.$templateName;
                if (!file_exists($templatePath)) {
                    throw new \Exception(sprintf('Cannot find template "%s"', $templateName));
            $this->pendingOperations[$targetPath] = [
                'template' => $templatePath,
                'variables' => $variables,

    So basically, it first checks if the file exists, if it doesn't it changes the template's path to __DIR__.'/Resources/skeleton/'.$templateName; and if that file doesn't exist either, it then throws an exception.

    So basically, if you provide a file path that exists to the $templateName argument, you can decide where the template is loaded from.