I want to get top 1 record of each group order by device timestamp, so that I can get top 1 record of each device/imei.
o.DeviceTimeStamp, o.DeviceImei, o.OTI_A,OTI_T,
ts.latitude, ts.longitude
Overview o
left join
TransformerLocations ts on o.DeviceImei = ts.imei
ts.latitude is not null
order by
o.DeviceTimeStamp desc
Sample data
2020-11-23 01:03:07.000 8673220311024 0 0 23.842163 91.280693
2020-11-23 01:01:06.000 8673220311024 0 0 23.842163 91.280693
2020-11-23 01:00:00.000 8645020301067 0 0 23.841940 91.280306
Expected output:
2020-11-23 01:03:07.000 8673220311024 0 0 23.842163 91.280693
2020-11-23 01:00:00.000 8645020301067 0 0 23.841940 91.280306
get top 1 record of each device/imei
One option uses window functions:
select *
from (
select o.devicetimestamp, o.deviceimei, o.oti_a,oti_t,
ts.latitude, ts.longitude,
row_number() over(partition by o.deviceimei order by o.devicetimestamp desc) rn
from overview o
inner join transformerlocations ts on o.deviceimei = ts.imei
where ts.latitude is not null
) t
where rn = 1
Note that I changed the left join
to an inner join
: you have a condition in the where
clause on the "right" table, so the join behaves as an inner join