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atom feed: script to combine multiple <author> items into one?

I would like to write a command line script which combines multiple <author> tags from an atom feed into one. For example, an entry like:

      <name>Author One</name>
      <name>Author Two</name>
      <name>Author Three</name>

should become:

      <name>Author One, Author Two, Author Three</name>

I think I could do it myself using Perl and regexes but, as parsing XML with regexes is not a good idea, I would be thankful for a more elegant solution that uses a proper xml-parser.


  • Ted has the right idea, but a few things were done in a more complicated manner than needed, and they were unaware of the properties of the Atom format (e.g. its use of namespaces).

    use XML::LibXML               qw( );
    use XML::LibXML::XPathContext qw( );
    my $xpc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new();
    $xpc->registerNs(a => '');
    # See XML::LibXML::Parser for more ways to create the document object.
    my $doc = XML::LibXML->load_xml( location => 'atom.xml' );
    for my $entry_node ($xpc->findnodes('/a:feed/a:entry', $doc)) {
       my @author_names;
       for my $author_node ($xpc->findnodes('a:author', $entry_node)) {
          push @author_names, $xpc->findvalue('a:name', $author_node);
       my $author_node = XML::LibXML::Element->new('author');
       my $name = $author_node->appendTextChild('name', join(", ", @author_names));