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How can I omit a first parameter from the function parameters type?

I have a sendMessage from a third-party library function with parameters:

function sendMessage(chatId: number | string, text: string, extra?: tt.ExtraEditMessage)

I want to create another function that will send a message to a specific user. I want this function to have all parameters of the original function:

export async function sendMessageToAdmin(text: string, extra?: tt.ExtraEditMessage)

But I want for this type declaration to be DRY and update automatically when I update a third-party dependency, so I can use Parameters utility type:

type SendMessageParameters = Parameters<sendMessage>

export async function sendMessageToAdmin(...parameters: SendMessageParameters)

However, I also want to omit the first parameter, chatId, since I'll be setting it on my own. Unfortunately, Omit utility type only works for properties and not tuple members.

How can I construct a type that will have all parameters of a function instead of a first one, or one with specific name?


  • You need just to return Tail of tuples

    function sendMessage(foo: number, baz: string, bar: number[]) { }
    type Tail<T extends unknown[]> = T extends [infer Head, ...infer Tail] ? Tail : never;
    function otherFunc(...parameters:Tail<Parameters<typeof sendMessage>>){} // baz: string, bar: number[]