The modern glibc binary is called in Linux. Why is "6" used here? The or can be good names too IMHO.
Wikipedia gives some history at but doesn't explain fully
In the early 1990s, the developers of the Linux kernel forked glibc. Their fork, called "Linux libc", was maintained separately for years and released versions 2 through 5.
When FSF released glibc 2.0 in January 1997, .... At this point, the Linux kernel developers discontinued their fork and returned to using FSF's glibc.[6]
The last used version of Linux libc used the internal name (soname) Following on from this, glibc 2.x on Linux uses the soname
Those SONAMEs have already been used. Since the new version of the library presents a break in the interface, a new major SONAME number must be used for it.