Using Google Finance in Google Sheet, I get two timeseries:
A) =GOOGLEFINANCE("SPY", "close", DATE(2015,1,1), TODAY(), "DAILY")
that has 1483 values
B) =GOOGLEFINANCE("IBTM", "close", DATE(2015,1,1), TODAY(), "DAILY")
that has 1489 values
For instance, you can see that A
has NO value on 19/01/2015, however B
has a value on 19/01/2015. This behaviour creates a misalignment between the two series.
Now, I would like to compute A(close)/B(close)
when A(date)==B(date)
Unfortunately, I cannot operate directly on the columns because the two series are not aligned. Is there any smart way to solve this issue?
GOOGLEFINANCE("SPY", "close", DATE(2015,1,1), TODAY(), "DAILY");
GOOGLEFINANCE("IBTM", "close", DATE(2015,1,1), TODAY(), "DAILY")},, 1), 1),
{QUERY(GOOGLEFINANCE("SPY", "close", DATE(2015,1,1), TODAY(), "DAILY"), "select Col2,'SPY'");
QUERY(GOOGLEFINANCE("IBTM", "close", DATE(2015,1,1), TODAY(), "DAILY"), "select Col2,'IBTM' label 'IBTM'''")}},
"select Col1,max(Col2) where Col1 is not null group by Col1 pivot Col3 format Col1'dd/mm/yyyy'"), "offset 1", 0))
or directly already divided:
GOOGLEFINANCE("SPY", "close", DATE(2015,1,1), TODAY(), "DAILY");
GOOGLEFINANCE("IBTM", "close", DATE(2015,1,1), TODAY(), "DAILY")},, 1), 1),
{QUERY(GOOGLEFINANCE("SPY", "close", DATE(2015,1,1), TODAY(), "DAILY"), "select Col2,'SPY'");
QUERY(GOOGLEFINANCE("IBTM", "close", DATE(2015,1,1), TODAY(), "DAILY"), "select Col2,'IBTM' label 'IBTM'''")}},
"select Col1,max(Col2) where Col1 is not null group by Col1 pivot Col3 format Col1'dd/mm/yyyy'"), "offset 1", 0),
"select Col1,Col2/Col3 label Col2/Col3''"))
GOOGLEFINANCE("SPY", "close", DATE(2015,1,1), TODAY(), "DAILY");
GOOGLEFINANCE("IBTM", "close", DATE(2015,1,1), TODAY(), "DAILY")},, 1), 1),
{QUERY(GOOGLEFINANCE("SPY", "close", DATE(2015,1,1), TODAY(), "DAILY"), "select Col2,'SPY'");
QUERY(GOOGLEFINANCE("IBTM", "close", DATE(2015,1,1), TODAY(), "DAILY"), "select Col2,'IBTM' label 'IBTM'''")}},
"select Col1,max(Col2) where Col1 is not null group by Col1 pivot Col3 format Col1'dd/mm/yyyy'"), "offset 1", 0),
"select Col1,Col2/Col3 label Col2/Col3''"), "where Col2 is not null"))