I have a ROS
server MY_Warning
and I have the file node/srv/MY_Warning.srv
which contains:
typ1 var1
typ2 var2
typ3 var3
in node/src/subdir/main.py
(which contains the server) I have from node.srv import MY_Warning, MY_WarningResponse
but I'm getting:
from node.srv import MY_Warning, MY_WarningResponse
ImportError: cannot import name EOR_Warning
while rossrv show MY_Warning
shows me the correct/expected thing:
$ rossrv show MY_Warning
typ1 var1
typ2 var2
typ3 var3
What am I missing or doing wrong here? I don't get it...
Am i missing something? The missing error for import and the import statements do not match. The module in the error message is not the one imported