I have a column named "impact" which has data in nested Json format
I use the code below:
get_json_object(single_json_table.identifiant, '$.position') AS impact_position,
get_json_object(single_json_table.identifiant, '$.value') AS impact_value
(SELECT exp2.identifiant
FROM socle s
lateral view explode(split(regexp_replace(substr(impact, 2, length(impact)-2),
'},\\{"', '},,,,{"'), ',,,,')) exp2 as identifiant
Here is the results, it skips the first position and value, does anyone know how can i fix it please ?
impact_position | impact_value
(null) (null)
2 001
3 14
(null) (null)
2 003
3 58
(null) (null)
2 002
3 57
Your input is a JSON with nested arrays. Upper level array is the whole input, contains struct<internalid : string, impactid : array < struct <> > >, impactid
is a nested array, containing struct elements like this: {"position":"1","typeid":"NOEUD","value":"G1"}
You need to explode both arrays. First explode upper array: change delimiters, split, explode, then do the same with nested array.
with socle as (
select '[{"internalid":"079","impactid":[{"position":"1","typeid":"NOEUD","value":"G1"},{"position":"2","typeid":"ID","value":"001"},{"position":"3","typeid":"CODE_CI","value":"14"}],"typeid":"BTS","cdrs":"X110","belong":"OF","impactclass":"R","count":"0","numberaccessimpacted":"0","impactcalculationrequest":null},{"internalid":"6381075","impactid":[{"position":"1","typeid":"NOEUD","value":"G3"},{"position":"2","typeid":"ID","value":"003"},{"position":"3","typeid":"CI","value":"58"}],"typeid":"BTS","cdrs":"X110","belong":"OF","impactclass":"R","count":"0","numberaccessimpacted":"0","impactcalculationrequest":null},{"internalid":"6381071","impactid":[{"position":"1","typeid":"NOEUD","value":"G2"},{"position":"2","typeid":"IDT","value":"002"},{"position":"3","typeid":"CI","value":"57"}],"typeid":"BTS","cdrs":"X110","belong":"OF","impactclass":"R","count":"0","numberaccessimpacted":"0","impactcalculationrequest":null}]'
as impact
select internalid,
get_json_object(e.impact, '$.position') as position,
get_json_object(e.impact, '$.value') as value
select get_json_object(impacts, '$.internalid') internalid,
--extract inner impact array, remove [], convert delimiters
regexp_replace(regexp_replace(get_json_object(impacts,'$.impactid'),'^\\[|\\]$',''),'\\},\\{','},,,,{') impact
SELECT --First we need to explode upper array. Since it is a string,
--we need to prepare delimiters to be able to explode it
--remove first [ and last ], replace delimiters between inner structure with 4 commas
regexp_replace(regexp_replace(s.impact,'^\\[|\\]$',''),'\\},\\{"internalid"','},,,,{"internalid"') upper_array_str
FROM socle s
)s lateral view explode (split(upper_array_str, ',,,,')) e as impacts --get upper array element
)s lateral view explode (split(impact, ',,,,') ) e as impact
internalid position value
079 1 G1
079 2 001
079 3 14
6381075 1 G3
6381075 2 003
6381075 3 58
6381071 1 G2
6381071 2 002
6381071 3 57