I'm using two different services, the first one returns a Polygon, like this:
0: {type: "Feature", id: "postal_fsa_boundaries.1590", geometry: {type: "Polygon",…},…}
geometry: {type: "Polygon",…}
coordinates: [[[-123.09689608, 49.24042409], [-123.09391444, 49.24036854], [-123.09340615, 49.24035906],…]]
type: "Polygon"
geometry_name: "boundary"
id: "postal_fsa_boundaries.1590"
The second service, returns a Points with coordinates, like this:
features: [{type: "Feature", id: "active_address.fid-31c7b976_175e990a2fb_664a",…},…]
0: {type: "Feature", id: "active_address.fid-31c7b976_175e990a2fb_664a",…}
geometry: {type: "Point", coordinates: [-114.0926087, 51.05883014]}
coordinates: [-114.0926087, 51.05883014]
type: "Point"
geometry_name: "the_geom"
id: "active_address.fid-31c7b976_175e990a2fb_664a"
at the moment to parse those responses to polygons, I'm using:
const multi = new MultiPolygon(fsas.map((f) => f.geometry));
where geomety
type is Polygon
And at the moment to parse it I get:
new WKT().writeGeometry(multi)
I get a response like:
(( 51.05301895 -114.09479052,51.05305604 -114.09397244,51.05338313 -114.09335017,51.05341011 -114.09167379,51.05706864 -114.0917623,51.0571091 -114.08597946,51.05952998 -114.08607602,51.05956032 -114.09473956,51.05301895 -114.09479052)), (( 51.05301895 -114.09479052,51.05305604 -114.09397244,51.05338313 -114.09335017,51.05341011 -114.09167379,51.05706864 -114.0917623,51.0571091 -114.08597946,51.05952998 -114.08607602,51.05956032 -114.09473956,51.05301895 -114.09479052))
That is like I expected.
But I'm not finding the way to do the same with the Point
Does someone have an idea about how to format them properly?
I'm just using Point([])
but I'm able to change it
The following code
const addresses = [{
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {},
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [-114.0926087, 51.05883014]
}, {
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {},
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [-115.0926087, 52.05883014]
const multi = new ol.geom.MultiPolygon([[addresses.map((f) => f.geometry.coordinates)]]);
console.log(new ol.format.WKT().writeGeometry(multi));
MULTIPOLYGON(((-114.0926087 51.05883014,-115.0926087 52.05883014)))
in the browser. Is that somewhat close?