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Kaggle Dataset - Letter and numbers meaning

I have come across some data on Kaggle.

I am trying to insert this to excel by copy and pasting it. What do the letters and numbers mean? How would this data look once it was converted?enter image description here


  • The number 0.00256 is expressed as 2.56E-03 in scientific notation .

    What this means is that the number before E (2.56 in this case) is multiplied by 10 raised to the power of -3 , which is 2.56*10^(-3) .

    Similarly the number 744.67 is expressed as 7.4467E+02.

    For example , your first y value (1.975000E-01) would be 0.1975 since it is 1.975 * 10^(-1) .

    Your first x value (4.0E+00) would simply be 4 since it is 4.0*10^(0).