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Struggling with javascript Promise

I'm struggling to get get javascript Promises to work.
I'm looking for a pointer or two on what I'm doing wrong. Below is my code. I'm trying to convert loadUserPayRateWrapped() into a function that gets data from a database. The behavior I'm getting, is that the whole set of wrapper code is still returning before $.getJSON() has had a chance to get it's data.

The function that is waiting for the data request:

function loadUserPayRateWrapped( projectId )

    var URI = "/projects/getAssignedResponsibilities?projectId=" + projectId;
    $.getJSON( URI, function ( data )
        if ( data === null )
            return getDataFromCookie( "payRate" );
            const employeeId = getDataFromCookie( "empId" );
                    if ( data[ 0 ].alternatePay === null )
                return getDataFromCookie( "payRate" );
                    var altPayArray = JSON.parse( data[ 0 ].alternatePay );
                    $.each( altPayArray, function ( idx, element )
                if ( element.uid == employeeId )
            } );

        // nothing was found, so return the regular pay rate
        return getDataFromCookie( "payRate" );



The wrapper promise function:

function loadUserPayRatePromise( projectId )
    var payRateProm = new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
        var payRate = loadUserPayRateWrapped( projectId );
        resolve( payRate );

    payRateProm.then( result => { return payRate } );

The async caller:

async function loadUserPayRate( projectId )
        const pay = await loadUserPayRatePromise( projectId );
        return pay;


code from the mainline that wants the data:

// add the default pay rate for this user
var payRate = loadUserPayRate( data.projectId );
$( "#hourlyRate" ).val( payRate.toFixed(2) );    //payRate must be populated before this line


  • Just "convert" $.getJSON from callback style to Promise is required and enough.

    This is my example, maybe you have handle error case by yourself.

    function loadUserPayRateWrapped(projectId) {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // wrap callback function into a promise
        var URI = "/projects/getAssignedResponsibilities?projectId=" + projectId;
        $.getJSON(URI, function (data) {
          const defaultPayRate = getDataFromCookie("payRate"); // extract to variable to reuse
          if (data === null) { // recommend style: if block with {}
            return resolve(defaultPayRate);
          } else {
            const employeeId = getDataFromCookie("empId");
            if (data[0].alternatePay === null) {
              return resolve(defaultPayRate);
            var altPayArray = JSON.parse(data[0].alternatePay);
            var foundAltPay = altPayArray.find(p => p.uid === employeeId); // why $.each ??
            // nothing was found, so return the regular pay rate
            return resolve(foundAltPay || defaultPayRate)

    Now, loadUserPayRateWrapped return a Promise. Then you can use Promise style to call the function, or use async/await style:

    // Promise style
      .then(payRate => {
    // async/await style with IIFE
    (async () => {
      const payRate = await loadUserPayRateWrapped(data.projectId); // wait