I have a rest api with .net5, which has a global exception filter, and returns an ErrorMessage object in case of exceptions. I call the api from a WinForms .net framework 4.8 application and the badrequests from the server, from the client side I get a System.AggregateException exception and according to the flurl documentation it should be FlurlHttpException. I tried to make calls with HttpClient, and everything works as expected, but I find it easier to use flurl, so I want to find a solution to the problem, if someone has any idea how to do it and wants to share it would be great
var result = (serverUrl)
.PostJsonAsync(new { Email = email, Password = password }).Result;
if (result.ResponseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var aut = result.GetJsonAsync<Autorizacion>().Result;
catch (FlurlHttpException ex)
var error = ex.GetResponseJsonAsync<ErrorMessage>();
Firstly, prefer using async await instead of blocking Result
call. But if you have to go with blocking calls then use GetAwaiter().GetResult() to get the unwrapped exception.