Simple issue. Typeorm doesn't log anything. I've followed the instructions on
"type": "mongodb",
"host": "aaa",
"port": 27017,
"username": "bbb",
"password": "ccc",
"ssl": true,
"database": "db",
"entities": ["dist/entity/*.js"],
"logging": true
I've also tried logging: "all
, logging: ["query"]
but none of them have any effect.
Here's how I set up the app (app.ts)
.then(async (connection) => {
// create koa app
const app = new Koa();
const router = new Router();
// register all application routes
AppRoutes.forEach((route) =>
router[route.method](route.path, route.action)
// run app
console.log("Koa application is up and running on port 3000");
.catch((error) => console.log("TypeORM connection error: ", error));
My other console.logs show up just fine but nothing from typeorm.
I'm starting the project with tsc && node dist/app.js
After that I make an API request, query an endpoint and typeorm will go all the way thru to query Mongodb, and return back my data. But I don't see any logs.
Has anyone had this issue before, or is this a new bug?
Looks like a bug in typeorm if using mongodb -
Been open for more than a year, so doesn't look like it's getting fixed anytime soon. The reason I needed logging was to troubleshoot another problem with my setup, which now also appears to be a bug in the library. So, I think it's safe to say that typeorm/mongodb support is not reliable yet.