Here is code I have been working on with the help of Deczalof:
Here is the XAML code that I have
<t:PopupEntryFrame2 x:Name="newDeckNameEntry" TextChanged="newDeckNameEntry_TextChanged" />
With code behind:
public partial class CopyDeckPopup : Rg.Plugins.Popup.Pages.PopupPage
string originalName;
string originalDescription;
List<Deck> listDecks;
public CopyDeckPopup(string clickedDeckName, string clickedDeckDescription)
listDecks = App.DB.GetAllDecks();
newDeckNameEntry.Text = clickedDeckName;
newDeckDescriptionEntry.Text = clickedDeckDescription;
originalName = clickedDeckName;
originalDescription = clickedDeckDescription;
OK_Button.IsEnabled = false;
private async void Cancel_Button_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
await PopupNavigation.Instance.PopAsync(false);
private async void OK_Button_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (IsBusy)
IsBusy = true;
await PopupNavigation.Instance.PopAsync(false);
var newDeckNameEntryTextTrim = newDeckNameEntry.Text.Trim();
var newDeckDescriptionEntryTextTrim = newDeckDescriptionEntry.Text.Trim();
if (newDeckNameEntryTextTrim != originalName || newDeckDescriptionEntryTextTrim != originalDescription)
App.DB.CopyDeckToDb2(originalName, newDeckNameEntryTextTrim, newDeckDescriptionEntryTextTrim);
MessagingCenter.Send<PopupPage>(new PopupPage(), "PageRefresh");
IsBusy = false;
void newDeckNameEntry_TextChanged(object sender, EntryTextChangedEventArgs e)
void newDeckDescriptionEntry_TextChanged(object sender, EntryTextChangedEventArgs e)
var deckName = newDeckNameEntry.Text.Trim();
var isDeckAvailable = listDecks.Where(x => x.Name == deckName).SingleOrDefault();
if (isDeckAvailable == null)
OK_Button.IsEnabled = e.NewTextValue != originalDescription ? true : false;
void NewDeckNameEntryValidator(string newDeckNameEntry)
var newDeckNameEntryTrimmed = newDeckNameEntry.Trim();
var isDeckNameAvailable = listDecks.Where(x => x.Name == newDeckNameEntryTrimmed).SingleOrDefault();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDeckNameEntryTrimmed) ||
isDeckNameAvailable != null ||
newDeckNameEntryTrimmed.StartsWith("::") ||
newDeckNameEntryTrimmed.EndsWith("::") ||
newDeckNameEntryTrimmed.Count(c => c == ':') > 2)
OK_Button.IsEnabled = false;
OK_Button.IsEnabled = true;
and the C# code for a template:
public class PopupEntryFrame2 : CustomFrame
CustomEntry entry { get; set; }
public PopupEntryFrame2()
entry = new CustomEntry();
entry.SetBinding(PopupEntryFrame2.TextProperty, new Binding("Text", source: this));
entry.TextChanged += (s, a) =>
OnTextChanged(new EntryTextChangedEventArgs(a.NewTextValue, a.OldTextValue));
Content = entry;
CornerRadius = 5;
HasShadow = false;
SetDynamicResource(BackgroundColorProperty, "EntryFrameBackgroundColor");
SetDynamicResource(BorderColorProperty, "EntryFrameBorderColor");
SetDynamicResource(CornerRadiusProperty, "EntryFrameCornerRadius");
SetDynamicResource(HeightRequestProperty, "PopupEntryFrameHeight");
SetDynamicResource(MarginProperty, "PopupEntryFrameMargin");
SetDynamicResource(PaddingProperty, "PopupEntryFramePadding");
public class EntryTextChangedEventArgs : EventArgs
public EntryTextChangedEventArgs(String newValue = null, String oldValue = null)
NewTextValue = newValue;
OldTextValue = oldValue;
public String NewTextValue { get; }
public String OldTextValue { get; }
public event EventHandler TextChanged;
protected virtual void OnTextChanged(EntryTextChangedEventArgs args)
TextChanged?.Invoke(this, args);
public static readonly BindableProperty TextProperty =
BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Text), typeof(string), typeof(PopupEntryFrame2), default(string));
public string Text { get => (string)GetValue(TextProperty); set => SetValue(TextProperty, value); }
The error I get when building is this:
CopyDeckPopup.xaml(22,63): XamlC error XFC0002: EventHandler "newDeckNameEntry_TextChanged"
with correct signature not found in type "DecksTab.Pages.DeckOptions.CopyDeckPopup"
To achieve your goal you can simply add the Entry
on your PopupEntryFrame
and define an Event
there that connects with the TextChanged
event in the original Entry
This is done as illustrated in the code below (which is based on yours!)
using Test.Renderers;
namespace Test.Templates
public class PopupEntryFrame : CustomFrame
Entry entry { get; set; }
public PopupEntryFrame()
entry = new Entry();
entry.TextChanged += (s, a) =>
OnTextChanged(new EntryTextChangedEventArgs());
Content = entry;
CornerRadius = 5;
HasShadow = false;
SetDynamicResource(BackgroundColorProperty, "EntryFrameBackgroundColor");
SetDynamicResource(BorderColorProperty, "EntryFrameBorderColor");
SetDynamicResource(CornerRadiusProperty, "EntryFrameCornerRadius");
SetDynamicResource(HeightRequestProperty, "PopupEntryFrameHeight");
SetDynamicResource(MarginProperty, "PopupEntryFrameMargin");
SetDynamicResource(PaddingProperty, "PopupEntryFramePadding");
public class EntryTextChangedEventArgs : EventArgs
// class members
public event EventHandler TextChanged;
protected virtual void OnTextChanged(EntryTextChangedEventArgs args)
TextChanged?.Invoke(this, args);
And that's it. By doing that you can now write code like
<t:PopupEntry x:Name="newDeckDescriptionEntry" TextChanged="newDeckDescriptionEntry_TextChanged">
In the comments someone suggested using ContentView
, so let's take a look at how the same result could be achieved using that approach.
First of all, it is important to know that Frame
inherits itself from ContentView
(from which acctualy it inherits its Content
property!). In fact, from the documentation we know that
public class Frame : Xamarin.Forms.ContentView, Xamarin.Forms.IBorderElement, Xamarin.Forms.IElementConfiguration<Xamarin.Forms.Frame>
which means that by creating a Class/Control that inherits from Frame
means that we are already using the ContentView
First of all we create a ContentView
and set its content to a new PopupFrame()
which itself contains an Entry
, as follows
public class PopupEntry : ContentView
Entry entry { get; set; }
public PopupEntry()
entry = new Entry();
Content = new PopupFrame()
Content = entry
Next, as is required by the OP, we define an Event
for our ContentView
that will be triggered when the Text
in the Entry
changed. Following the Documentation, this can be achieved by adding the following piece of code:
public class EntryTextChangedEventArgs : EventArgs
// class members
public event EventHandler TextChanged;
protected virtual void OnTextChanged(EntryTextChangedEventArgs args)
TextChanged?.Invoke(this, args);
Now, we can "link" the original TextChanged
event from the Entry
control to the new Event
of our ContentView
, as follows:
entry.TextChanged += (s, a) =>
OnTextChanged(new EntryTextChangedEventArgs());
Then, our ContentView code will look like
public class PopupEntry : ContentView
Entry entry { get; set; }
public PopupEntry()
entry = new Entry();
entry.TextChanged += (s, a) =>
OnTextChanged(new EntryTextChangedEventArgs());
Content = new PopupFrame()
Content = entry
public class EntryTextChangedEventArgs : EventArgs
// class members
public event EventHandler TextChanged;
protected virtual void OnTextChanged(EntryTextChangedEventArgs args)
TextChanged?.Invoke(this, args);
With this ContentView
defined, we can now write code like
<t:PopupEntry x:Name="newDeckDescriptionEntry" TextChanged="newDeckDescriptionEntry_TextChanged"/>
And that's it! I hope this was useful.
Happy coding!
A little note about the Event declaration: Since EntryTextChangedEventArgs is a copy of the original TextChangedEventArgs we can define the EntryTextChangedEventArgs class like
public class EntryTextChangedEventArgs : EventArgs
public EntryTextChangedEventArgs(String newValue = null, String oldValue = null)
NewTextValue = newValue;
OldTextValue = oldValue;
public String NewTextValue { get; }
public String OldTextValue { get; }
and then when instantiating this class we just feed it directly with the values from TextChangedEventArgs, as follows
entry = new Entry();
entry.TextChanged += (s, a) =>
OnTextChanged(new EntryTextChangedEventArgs(a.NewTextValue, a.OldTextValue));