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Apache superset user list

I am trying to login superset but user/password is invalid. When I try to change password with below command it says there is no user as 'admin'

(supersetdata) ilke@DEVELOPMENT11:~/supersetdata/bin$ export FLASK_APP=superset
(supersetdata) ilke@DEVELOPMENT11:~/supersetdata/bin$ flask fab reset-password --username admin --password admin

Loaded your LOCAL configuration at [/home/ilke/supersetdata/bin/]
logging was configured successfully
INFO:superset.utils.logging_configurator:logging was configured successfully
/home/ilke/supersetdata/lib/python3.8/site-packages/flask_caching/ UserWarning: Flask-Caching: CACHE_TYPE is set to null, caching is effectively disabled.
No PIL installation found
INFO:superset.utils.screenshots:No PIL installation found
User admin not found.

How can I list all users in apache superset? I searched but no luck.

Thanks in advance.


  • Using the flask fab list-users command will list users with their roles.

    root@c189c4d2677e:/app# flask fab list-users 
    Loaded your LOCAL configuration at [/app/docker/pythonpath_dev/]
    List of users
    username:admin | email:[email protected] | role:[Admin]