We recently found out using the outlook object in C# will not work for our requirements. Therefor we are looking to program something on the exchange server itself using (maybe) one of the exchange SDK's ...
Since i have no knowledge about these sdk's or even exchange server i'm looking for some help here.
I need something that writes the flatspaceurl (or something that i can match with the flatspaceurl) , subject , senddate and sender to a file at the very moment a mail comes in for a particular mailbox (info@blabla.be)
With Exchange 2010, you don't use the flatspace url.. it is a WebDAV thing.
Use the Exchange Managed API (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd633710(v=exchg.80).aspx).
You can store the ItemId in the data for future reference. It is stable unless the mail is moved to another folder on the mailbox.
To monitor a folder for new mails, you can use Push, pull or streaming notifications.