library IEEE;
use work.vec9Arr.all;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity vector_scalar_multiplier is
in_a : in vec9arr;
in_b : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
out_vec : out vec9arr);
end vector_scalar_multiplier;
architecture structure of vector_adder is
component multiplier is
generic (
O_width : integer := 8;
P_width : integer := 8
port (
in_O : in std_logic_vector(O_width - 1 downto 0);
in_P : in std_logic_vector(P_width - 1 downto 0);
out_F : out std_logic_vector((O_width + P_width) - 1 downto 0)
end component;
GEN_MULT : for i in 0 to 8 generate
MULT : multiplier
generic map(O_width => 16, P_width => 8)
port map(
in_O => in_b,
in_P => in_a(i),
out_F => out_vec(i));
end generate;
end structure;
A pretty simple entity that multiplies every element of a vector by a scalar. I get the following error upon compiling:
I've been looking for some syntax error that might cause this, but I must be missing something. What might cause an error like this?
I don't think this is cause by the custom vec9arr as I have another VHDL file in the same directory that also uses vec9arr and doesn't have any issues.
Your entity name is: vector_scalar_multiplier
But your architecture declaration is: vector_adder
Therefore the signals you are referencing in your architecture can only be the signals that are defined in the vector_adder
entity declaration and any internal signals you define with the signal
keyword (Of which I see none of in this example)
Did you intend to define an architecture for vector_scalar_multiplier
? If not could you please include the entity declaration for vector_adder