I want to set a token in the authorization header on my post request using Dio. I have tried to set the header using two options. And both don't work. The first way throws an error, the second, no data is sent to the server. What is the best way of adding an authorization token from shared preference and sending it as a header on a post request using Dio()
I am saving the token on SharedPreference when a user signs in and accesses it:
String token = "";
void initState() {
void getToken() async {
SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
token = prefs.getString("token");
The first way am using to send the data with the header:
Future<FormsModel> createEntry(
String id,
String formName,
String dataContent,
String dateCreated,
String dateUpdated,
String userLocation,
String imeI,
String updatedBy) async {
String apiUrl = "";
Dio().options.headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer $token";
await Dio().post(apiUrl, data: {
"id": id,
"formName": formName,
"dataContent": dataContent,
"dateCreated": dateCreated,
"dateUpdated": dateUpdated,
"userLocation": userLocation,
"imeI": imeI,
"updatedBy": updatedBy
which throws an error
Unhandled Exception: DioError [DioErrorType.RESPONSE]: Http status error [302]
The second way am using to add the token to the headers:
Future<FormsModel> createEntry(
String id,
String formName,
String dataContent,
String dateCreated,
String dateUpdated,
String userLocation,
String imeI,
String updatedBy) async {
String apiUrl = "";
await Dio().post(apiUrl, data: {
"id": id,
"formName": formName,
"dataContent": dataContent,
"dateCreated": dateCreated,
"dateUpdated": dateUpdated,
"userLocation": userLocation,
"imeI": imeI,
"updatedBy": updatedBy
options: Options( headers: {"authorization": "Bearer $token"},
followRedirects: false,
validateStatus: (status) { return status < 500; }));
this way I don't get an error, but no data is sent to the server.
try like this
String apiUrl = "";
final dio = Dio(
connectTimeout: 30000,
baseUrl: apiUrl',
responseType: ResponseType.json,
contentType: ContentType.json.toString(),
dio.options.headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer $token";
await dio.post("/entry" , data: {
"id": id,
"formName": formName,
"dataContent": dataContent,
"dateCreated": dateCreated,
"dateUpdated": dateUpdated,
"userLocation": userLocation,
"imeI": imeI,
"updatedBy": updatedBy