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how to combine 2 json data with php with different key but same value

I had some problem when I realize Codeigniter can run with a single MySQL query on the single server not run a sync with 2 different servers, so I decide to divide MySQL result into a single array

Here is my sample JSON data I got:

[{"id":"4416","id_user":"","tagihan":"150000","tanggal":"2021-04-08 >00:00:00","tanggal_input":"Apr 14, 2020","metode":"CASH","bulan":"Apr->2021","tanggal_bayar":"14-Apr-2020","format_harga":"Rp 150,000"}]

Here is data1 from query->json codeigniter

[{"id":"4416","id_user":"","tagihan":"150000","tanggal":"2021-04-08 >00:00:00","tanggal_input":"Apr 14, 2020","metode":"CASH","bulan":"Apr->2021","tanggal_bayar":"14-Apr-2020","format_harga":"Rp 150,000"}]

And this is data2


As u can see id_user == with username, how can combine those data into a single key id_user with saldo, alamat into a single JSON index?

public function getRekap(){
        $this->db2->SELECT("*,DATE_FORMAT(tanggal, '%b-%Y') AS bulan, DATE_FORMAT(tanggal_input, '%d-%b-%Y') AS tanggal_bayar, concat('Rp ', format( tagihan, 0)) AS format_harga, date_format(tanggal_input,'%b %d, %Y') AS tanggal_input")
        $query = $this->db2->get();
        $output = array('data' => array());
        if($query->num_rows() > 0){
            return $query->result_array();
            return array();

public function getTest(){
      $query = $this->db->get();
      $output = array('test' => array());
      if($query->num_rows() > 0){
          return $query->result_array();
          return array();

public function getRekap()
        $dataArray = array(
            'data' => $this->Home_m->getRekap(),
            'test' => $this->Home_m->getTest()

        echo json_encode($dataArray);

All I want is the result is the same as like MySQL query with where id_user = username;


  • I have two codes for you can apply both of them both of them will works.

    First you can use do it in one hit, just use join.

    public function getRekap()
        $this->db2->SELECT("pembayaran.*,DATE_FORMAT(pembayaran.tanggal, '%b-%Y') AS bulan, DATE_FORMAT(pembayaran.tanggal_input, '%d-%b-%Y') AS tanggal_bayar, concat('Rp ', format( pembayaran.tagihan, 0)) AS format_harga, date_format(pembayaran.tanggal_input,'%b %d, %Y') AS tanggal_input, as usersinfo_id,usersinfo.username")
          ->join('usersinfo', 'usersinfo.username = pembayaran.id_user', 'left')
          ->ORDER_BY('pembayaran.tanggal_input', 'DESC');
        $query = $this->db2->get();
        if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
          return $query->result_array();
        } else {
          return array();

    or you can use this method.

      public function getRekap()
        $rekaps = $this->Home_m->getRekap();
        $tests =  $this->Home_m->getTest();
        foreach ($rekaps as $rekap) {
          $newData['id'] = $rekap['id'];
          $newData['id_user'] = $rekap['id_user'];
          $newData['tagihan'] = $rekap['tagihan'];
          $newData['tanggal'] = $rekap['tanggal'];
          $newData['tanggal_input'] = $rekap['tanggal_input'];
          $newData['metode'] = $rekap['metode'];
          $newData['bulan'] = $rekap['bulan'];
          $newData['tanggal_bayar'] = $rekap['tanggal_bayar'];
          $newData['format_harga'] = $rekap['format_harga'];
          foreach ($tests as $test) {
            if ($rekap['id_user'] == $test['username']) {
              $newData['username'] = $test['username'];
              $newData['saldo'] = $test['saldo'];
              $newData['alamat'] = $test['alamat'];
          $data[] = $newData;
        echo json_encode($data);